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我习惯一个人生活 I Used To Live On My OwnY

Tuesday, October 29, 2013 Y

7:09 PM }

Sunday, October 28, 2012 Y

I really wonder,how am i going to cope in my new unit life,as my platoonmates are way different from those in bmtc,jokers,disturbing other ppl like no tml.And i've already got arrow-ed to do saikang le,
Like being arrow-ed to do sentry duties at range, kena store party to do alot of work and nearly kena a weekend guard duties if i did'nt do it on a weekday.
Sigh,i guess life is like this.need to figure out what to do in the coming weeks.):

To be honest,i was never really happy of the idea of having to serve ns,but then it's like no choice but to serve.Like the loss of freedom,not able to book-out or in the time you wanted.
Yes,i need to have the positive attitude to serve ns,but recent things rendered me to unable to do so.I dunno when was the last time i was really happy.I've been trying to look on the bright side so that i wont disappoint my friends,who have been encouraging me all these times.Hopefully i can succeed in the end though.
I can only look foreward to every book-outs and finally,ord(:
Honestly,when that time when news of my granny passed away,i was touched of a idea of a close friend who felt me.sth that i can never forget...because of this,i ressolved to help her in any way i can(:

4:48 PM }


Time really flies.before i know it,i've already pop-ed from BMTC,H coy.

It was only during my bmt time,then i realised that there are only this many friends i can rely on during tough times.. The sad part was,my granny passed away during my birthday,which was just before i pop.I was greatly bothered until apple and LG friends managed to cheer me up.Thanks guys^^
-Only a handful of ppl never fail to encourage and motivate me throughout my bmt times,i really owe you one,seriously and dunno how to repay you.

 There are so many memories in BMTC which i could nv forget.Some of them Includes:
 -Countless Tekan during training
-One hour of tekan-ing + high kneel and fieldpack overhead for 5mins
 -Made to run to one area and come back as punishment
 -Throwing a Hand Grenenade and feeling the shockwaves after it exploded
 -Getting marksman despite IA(weapon got jammed) twice in live firing of SAR21
 -16km route march with other coys at sch 2.None of us in H coy fall out during the march and how the commanders pushed and motivated us to march to the end.Our coy managed to keep up with Ninja coy's fast marching,which makes other coys hard to keep up.But then,the following day,more than 40 ppl report sick! My OC praised us for the efforts and gave us a longer time to rest after the march(:
 -Winning the drill compeition,which is based on the pop parade.The moments when my coy was announced the winner,cheers and commanders jumping in joy to get the trophy,despite unable to win the games day (I guess the commanders of my coy who ord-ed can ord happily)
 POP-ed,when got posted to become a AI Trooper aka armour infantry.I was selected to carry the metador,which was a anti-tAnk weapon that can blast tanks and clear ppl from buildings.Good thing about carrying it was,no need to strip and assemble it as it is a one-time use. During the live firing,the blast was way louder than a hand greneade.The shockwaves is so intense that it can be felt at the admin area,which was some distance away from the live friing area.Honeslty,the sound can kill my hearing if i never wear my ear plugs!

In my new unit,i received a culture shock,like having to interact ppl from mono-intake(Higher nitec and below),a OC who believes in tough training but gives alot of welfare,and getting used to talk with my sergeants in chinese more often than in BMTC.The bad thing is,i cant bring a cam hp to keat hong camp till maybe december.): The camp is pretty close to my place though and no need to wear smart 4 to book in/out^^

4:37 PM }

Sunday, July 22, 2012 Y

A month and a half has passed ever since i elisted into army.I was posted to Hawk Coy. -The shiok feeling to be able to book out but the sian feeling when it is time to book in. -The pek cek feeling when your platoon or whole coy got tekan due to several sabo kings. -Suffering,going thru many shits together as a platoon,bonded as one. -Doing PT like AGR (Agility Group running.It is to run xkm in 15,20,25min),Strength training,Speed training,IST,CPT,route march (3 & 4km ones so far)+ learning arms and foot drills. -SGs keep trying to play mind games with us,testing our mental ability. As i went thru all these,although i knew that many of the platoonmates are going thru what i am. But,how many of my friends outside of tekong is able to truly encourage and motivate me to press on?few can.One of them,who i wont mention who,kept doing that and i greatly appreciate that.w/o this person,i do not know how to press on as NS is often very stressful,mentally draining. Thanks alot! you are the best!(You know who you are) Each time i read all the msgs sent from my friends since the first day i stepped to the army, encouraging me to press on,i often tell myself to press on. Going to BMT phase le, and this is going to be much worse.But,i'm looking foreward to my birthday,which means a few more days after that and i POP(: Will i be able to press on during BMT?hopefully so and i must no matter what.

8:21 PM }

Thursday, May 24, 2012 Y

There are so many things i have been pondering on,but i decided to write them all.

 As time pasts through,it seems to be that it seems only yesterday that i stepped into SP to study. Throughout these three years in poly,there are alot of ups and downs in my poly life,but i eventually weathered it through all and eventually able to graduate,along with most of my friends.But it was the experience and the things that i've learned when i studied in SP matters the most.

 -In poly life,i've learned that there are many different types of ppl i've encountered,ranging from those who will really will give me a helping hand and giving me advices in whatever help i need it to those who are just simply trying to use me.But do i really know who can be called my true friends in my poly?only a few that i can think up of. -I always not able to know where are my priorities lie at first,but with the help of my friends such as cm,junyong,jasmine-sp & weiying,i eventually able to determine what's more important than the other and able to strike a balance in things,although i admit that i need to put in more effort to really achieve to balance the things that i want to do and doing the things that are important to me.(More of this will be explained later in the post.) Despite all of these,i am unable to meet some of my poly friends possibly for the last time during graduattion day. Seeing the pictures of my friends wearing the graduation outfit akthough makes me a little sad that i was'nt able to be with them.Graduation day is the day i always longed for throughout the three years in poly,which is just like during my ITE graduation day.It also give me the sense of achievement,that like i said earlier,i am able to graduate from SP with my friends. Despite all of these,CM somehow attempted to come up with one last class gathering about one week before the dudes in my class will go on to NS to serve the nation.Really hope it will succeed anyway as there may not have the next time le.However,i may see some of them in NS.

- And what about r/s wise?to put it,i got into one three years ago,but my inexperience and my latter's lack of time cost me the r/s.Although it was'nt easy to get over it,but with the help of my friends, espically Apple,i eventually was able to move on.

- as for my weight and diet wise,i often questioned myself: Why do i, have a higher metabolism than a normal guys should have can balloon to 84kg just before i started my year 1? Reflecting back, i often eate a truckload of nuts,ice-cream, deep fried food and tons of soft drinks,some of which you can call it empty calories (Food that only gives calories and little nutritional value).However, my friends like jin lee and to a certain extent, kiat lun,keep teasing about my weight and even go to the extent of saying that they wont stop until i lose some weight. Having enough of their teasing,i ditched the soft drinks and the so called junk food and excersise in a intense way,causing me to lose nearly 20kg in just 2 months.(IN less than a month,i've lose my so called beer belly),down to almost 64kg as for now. Even then,i was starting to fear about regaining weight and friends teasing me again,so i contiued to exercise intensively while able to study at the same time, as well as nearly getting obessed with healthy foods (Although i will still consume some junk foods). However,i wont be called a anorexic as i hated the idea of starvation and cannot fast for longer than 3-5hrs after a meal(There is once i have to go w/o food for almost 8hrs and it was too much for me to handle).Of course,consuming the foods i liked and fearing about regaining the lost weight was like mental torture to me.But eventually with the help of my family as well as apple & syahira,i eventually snapped out of it,but i still exercise as intensive as ever to get ready for ns and sweared not to consume any soft drinks again. When i think back of how jinlee and kiat lun teased me,i soon learned that they did not like the idea of me keep indulging in a unhealthy diet and not wanting me to kena a PES BP in NS.Guess i too it too seriously and i overdid things..Now many ppl (Huiyi,apple,jasmine-sp,kiatlun,serena,yinmun,verona) have been telling me to gain back some weight,but even so,i still failed to gain above 66kg-.-,even though i've started to consume snacks from time to time. My gpa,well it was like cui,but in a pass range enough for me to graduate (Not below 2 mind you,or i will be better off banging head le).Which makes me unable to apply straight to NTU or NUS.So i pondered what's my next move?I've decided to move on to specialist diploma in nutrition,as it was my interest to begin with,before going in to SIT to secure a behalor's degree.I must say it's a long route and an difficult one,but as long as i put in my effort to it,i can see the results that i want ''Your pace matters not, as long as you do not stop'' quoted by junyong. really makes alot of sense to me. After the graduation ceremony,The poly chapter has ended.will miss those times in SP.. But then in overall,i really wanted to thank my friends and lecturers for guiding me through my poly life (:
Latest Class Photo as of Feb 2012.

Ok enough of poly life, I went back to work in NUTC fairprice at lot 1 after my oversea trips.They somehow put me as a cashier and i underwent training for half a week(i was able to skip two days as i've worked in fairprice before) before i can start work.I realised,being a cashier and chief cashier has among the highest responsibility of all, as they have to handle money and any form of payment (Credit,cashcard,NETs etc.).Being a cashier is also not easy, as i soon learned how to multi-task,how to handle customers and occasionally customer things such as refunds,exchange,voids of sales.Well, there are many types of customers out there.Some are very reasonable and nice,but other can be so calculating and will not hesitiate to make a fuss if i forgot to give them a BYOB discount (Bring your own bag discount-Bring your own bag to shop at fairprice+ having purchase up to $10> to have a $0.10 discount),2% elderly discount (Occurs every tuesday,which is among the busiest day and fustrating to many of my fellow cashiers and myself), or worse,double scanning of items,give wrong change to customers and wrong input of fruit prices,causing overcharging to customers.i soon learned how to work at all shifts,although i was mostly working at morning shift due to an high demand of cashiers in the morning.Balancing the amount of money you should have is no easy task.I did not have excessive of shortage of money only 8 times and i usually have excessive change in my counter and an shortage of more than $5 would result you having to pay the shortage (There are cashiers having to pay due to their carelessness.). To put it all,i also learned how to be more tolerable to other ppl,as i have to handle different types of ppl during work.

- I have quite a number of friends,but how many ppl who i can really call them true friends, which i can open up to these ppl? Only like a few. They have tolerated my so called nonsense, as i often have to deal alot of fustrations in my life.I really wanted to thank them for that and able to listen to my rantings,although i will always give them a helping hand as much as i can.But then, some of my personailties needs some improvement,but how do i go about doing that?Sigh. I often got taunted,goaded,teased,backstabbed,betrayed before,that's why i dun open up easily and trying hard to have the ''Hao xin you hao bao'' thinking. Although i dun need anything in return,i just only wanted to be alknowledged by other ppl. I also started learning to be able to figure a person's character only meeting them a few times. One of them,whom i knew less than half a year,i was somehow share with this person abit of my past w/o any fear that this person will use the info against me(You know who you are =D). There is one other person which i've known since secondary school i was able to share my personal life anyway,i really wanted to thank that person as well for being on my side when i'm down,giving me several advices which will be useful in my life,tolerate some of my nonsense. Really appreciate this kind of person ^^. Hanging out with this person has enabled me to learn alot of things(:

Gaming?i'm not into gaming as much as years ago le.One good example is maplestory.When i first started,i will not hestitate to go all out just to train some 2D character,although i will still study and chill out with friends and being able to secure a good gpa in ITE.However,as years went by,i realised that it was not worth my time as it was just too boring as it's getting more easier to train.(Imagine years ago,it took me like half an yr to reach 70 when i now can reach this level in just few days?!). Despite that,for example,there was one time my account got hacked and lost hundreds of millions of mesos in the process,i overlooked it as around the same time,i regained contact with someone i once liked whom i fell out with some time ago. Look,an hacked account can be easily restored,but losing contact with someone you liked alot will be very difficult to re-gain contact. And how about that time i fell out with her,despite i was the first one in my ite friends to obtain a zakum helmet in a ffa run in 2008, when that time it was very difficult to even get to fight zakum,let alone getting the helmet? Anyway,there is one like that i knew who can be such a maple freak and still able to cope with her studies,being smart anyway=D but others were'nt so lucky.I knew one in my ITE,who somehow become more pro than i was,but got a gpa of below 2.0 in the end. In conclusion,there is more life to just gaming and gaming.Diablo 3(Recently released game and many gamers are crazy over it)?nah,not interested in it.Too lazy to even download or buy the game,let alone learn to play it.
Latest SS taken

- In just less than 2weeks,a new chapter will begin for me,at Tekong.NS?is it really worth serving when so many foreigners are now at SG? it's for 2 yrs for heavens sake! But what to do?just serve and fk off.that's my answer.Although my PES stats is B1L1,i may need to be subjected to another medical review from the medical officer to see if i can cope or otherwise due to my past medical records( Disclosed,pm me if you want to find out).Alhough i'm ok now,but should i use this to keng my way through?or should i just go through NS just like many other SG guys? I've been to Tekong as a guest last year as i sent pingguang off to NS with bryan last year,and i have a rough idea of how the bunks and the food is like,but this time,i'm going in as a recuit,exchanging my pink ic with the green NS card. And there is attract stuff such liek signing on to army/Navy/airforce.They give attractive incentives but you cannot break the bond they give you.Should i do that just like Pingguang,who is now in Navy?After much pondering,i felt that it may not be a good idea as i'm not really interested in army stuff and not particually very siao on in army as him. Dun really understand what's so good about it anyway.Look at ppl like Boon chong.Unlike pingguang,he practically keng at times in order to have days off and he is going to ORD in just a few months' time.(Must have the serve and fk off thinking) In order to have a better knowledge of what is life like in NS,i asked ppl like pingguang,bryan,sam,boonchong and watched videos like Every Singaporean Son series. enough of my so called reflections,i need to ponder what's my next move for the last two weeks before a new chapter begins for me..

9:55 PM }

Wednesday, February 29, 2012 Y

Today,as of 11.10am, that's where my 3 years with DFST 02 ends. We have ups-and-downs, but we survived it all(Quoted by a friend of mine)(:
So here's the story( There will be loads of pictures though)From the time i got posted to DFST to the end.
I remembered at 1st April 2009, my JPAE results were out. I managed to check this out with Shi ting's handphone at that time(I was with her and her friend at AMK hub at that time).Oh well, my gpa of 3.4( Inclusive of cca points) during my higher nitec in BCT.ppl like regina went to biotechnology at nyp, yiqing and patricia went to biotechology at sp and jessie happened to be the same course as i am.(Note that these ppl are from JP0704Q,ite my next class which was JB0704P)
*Jessie will eventually be my poly classmate
Kinda relieved that i somehow able to go to poly but cant go to the course i truly wanted though.

I recalled that i went to sp to collect my enrolment package,i went along with yiqing,jessie,patricia and isabelle. It was'nt a difficult to do so and the package have alot of documents and things to fill up( CPF,particulars, medical checkup etc.)
After that, isabelle and i decided to explore the school.imagine both of us taking half an hour to go from the admin office, which is near foodcourt 4 all the way to foodcourt 2 by detouring thru the library area, as to us at that time, it was like a maze! keep walking to square one =.=''

A few weeks went by, and it was the orientation from poly.I first saw pat and yiqing,xinmao,denny,kaihsun(He eventually have to go back to taiwan for medical treatment and have to defer his studies for a year)
When i reached audi,i first saw and chatted with yunting,a sec school junior of mine,as well as eliz's friend.She somehow got posted to Optometry course.And i got abit surprised that Jessie from ite next door classmate become poly classmate! Anyway,when we were led back to a classroom near Foodcourt 2.My first tutor happened to be Mrs Evelyn Lee/Lim, who will eventually teach us several of our modules.
At that time, we have to do donation activity at Queenstown.and Joel and i become class rep of our respective classes(I eventually had to become a class rep for the whole of 3 years!) Honestly, i was abit scared that ppl will look down on me just because i was from ITE, but i was wrong.ppl like Chon mun and Jenny told me that i am now on the same level,now that i am in poly.
First guys i talked to- jinxiong,cm,timothy,joshua
Girls will be-jessie,jenny,esther
For some reason, joshua was able to obtain some of our email address w/o asking us!
During our flag day,while jessie and company(huiting,huiru etc) simply stand near the station, jenny and zatty went IMM, cm,kiatlun,timothy,myself,jinlee,jordan went walking off as far as the area around IKEA just to look for donations and cm even intended to go door to door basis(although he did not cary it out). I cant rmb about jinxiong and junyong though. After the donation, we went off to foodcourt 5 to makan at the KFC.Next to it was Pizza hut,but was eventually closed and replaced by Starbucks.
Joshua and Chinping was'nt with us.CP was with huiyi,jasmine and esther.
After this, i used facebook to slowly add as many as my classmates as possible. and 2weeks later,school started.
When i think back, year 1 was among the most slacking year.Not much assignments to do,but alot of class tests!
Some lecturers such as Ms Liew will teach us for the whole of three years in various modules such as Applied nutrition,food microbiology,and one lifeskill module.

I cant really remember all of the details,but when we first started school, the guys often will meet up near dover mrt and go to class together,but it stopped after half an yr.
- a practical was cancelled at 8am and we have to slack at some areas for 2-3hours.imagine that -.-''
- We got loads of class outings. From watching movies,going buffets and chalet.
-Going Seoul garden twice,suki sushi (after yr 1 exams),marche (after yr 2 mst) and even a pasta restaurant at singapore flyer(after yr 3,semester 1 exams)
-We even went to zoo! (Dec 2009)
- I dunno why,but there was a period that i keep eating chicken rice all the time at foodcourt 2,until kiatlun have to nag at me and i eventually stopped the habit at the end of year 1
- I remember i always go to class drenched in sweat -.-''. Ever since i lost weight after yr 2 semester 1,it did'nt happen again.
-Alicia and Alison were often together (they are twins) and did not particularly like to mix around with other people.They eventually got sick together and have to defer the course for an year.
-Our class often lose ppl after a semester.Jordan and Zatty left the course after year 1, Alicia and alison have to defer after yr 2 semester 1,Haiyan deferred at the end of year 1, jinlee left our class for OITP, joshua repeated modules as he have forgotten about the FEO exam,costing him his module.
-Like some of the poly courses,we have jc students joining our class at the start of year 2. They are Haiyan,Zixi and Weiying. Weiying was the same age as myself but she repeated her A levels but unfortunely could'nt do well enough to go on to NTU. Haiyan was from China but could not pass her english. Among the 3 ppl,i talked to weiying the most.. Zixi eventually became close friends with peggy.
-There was some time,during zatty and serena's birthday. we somehow left jasmine and her company out.I did not know their intentions and leaked out to them,getting jinlee to trouble,
-I did not pay attention to jasmine at first,but due to the fact she often helped me out of a tight spots,we eventually became close friends.
-Jinlee and sometimes kiatlun often goaded me into losing weight,It was them who spurred me to lose weight and i succeded by the end of aug 2010,losing 15kg in just 2 months.
-Jasmine introduced Leo club to me and weiying.We eventually got involved in collection of recycled items at Pioneer area, World diabetes day, and selling chopsticks for raising funds for a old folk's home. jasmine and i went on to get involved in World Earth Day at Marina Barrage(2day event) and one visit to old folks home at tampines.
-From Sept to Dec 2010,huiyi introduced weiying and me into bowling,along with adin(he was a member of bowling club and eventually became huiyi's boyfriend and still going well to this day). We went on to bowl regularly until weiying could hold her own against adin.
- One random fact: All those from ite in my class has a bf/gf during the 1st semester of year 1.
-My class were able to be close to other ppl from several other classes. Notable people from other classes are Joel,Edward,Veronna,Junice,Jaslyn,Limying,Yongchiang,Junwen,Jianhui,Weiguang,Boonsiang,Jennifer and more.

-In Year 2, Semester 2, Our class did a mini project regarding coffee products.The company called coffee culture set up its outlet at SP,near innvo village.Hebin was in charge. We eventually used Coffee culture to celebrate chirstmas((: Some of them went on to further develop/improve on the coffee products for their FYP,got featured on Lianhe Zhaobao and even got interviewed on 93.3 FM station.

Chirstmas Celebration at Coffee Culture,Dec 2010

- Our first class chalet was at costa sands pasir ris. Jinxiong,timothy and i went to alicia's place to collect drinks. They were so bulky and heavy that it took an hour for us to move them from her place to redhill station! We eventually got aid from chon mun and the others when we reached pasir ris. The drinks were so much, that there were still some left. Sadly, alicia did not go for the chalet. After the BBQ, we went off to night cycling from 11pm all the way to almost 2am! (Joshua did not join us and instead stayed at chalet to watch tv)
From the chalet itself to changi village and then on to changi beach and back. On the way to changi village, qiao xin and i somehow fell off our bikes. Funny part is,i crashed into the brushes -.-''. When we approached changi village just before 12am, there were alot of so called ''ah guas'' kinda creepy but they did not approach us. After resting there, we went on to changi beach to see the stars((:
However, chon mun somehow got a leg cramp and ppl like junyong have to aid him.We eventually went back to the chalet at almost 2 or 3am..At that time, we still got the BBQ food left, so the girls like jenny,serena,qiaoxin and yinmun went to have these for supper. Jordan and timothy drank volka until they got drunk! The rest simply watched tv, chit chat and played truth or dare until 6am before we went off to the beach to watch sunrise. After that,several ppl went up to the room to catch some sleep (myself,jenny,qiaoxin,timothy etc.) 7am+. However, jenny and i somehow overslept!(12pm then wake up),keeping the rest waiting as they wanted to go downtown east to eat.Somehow in the afternoon, we went to wild wild wet to play. All of them simply wore shirt and shorts.And ya,when some of us love to sit on floats on the river pool,i somehow was the primary target of being thrown overboard. Espically serena who loved to pick on me..Chin ping somehow injured himself and left the chalet. The slides were amazing though.However, kiatlun and jinlee did not join us as they were simply too tired and slept in the chalet.
After that,we went on to sakura's buffet for dinner.Went back to have rounds of true or dare before checking out the following day.( 1st class chalet was organised by chonmun and serena) Serena,Jenny,Peggy,huiyi,Jinlee,kiatlun,chonmun,timothy and me stayed for the whole of three days. Mrs Evelyn Lee/Lim visited us at the first day.
Pictures of our first chalet

- The second chalet was at aloha chalet,pasir ris. This time,initally while the girls except huiyi and jasmine played majong, the guys, along with huiyi and jasmine went to play basketball with us. As usual, there was a BBQ session but at that time, FIFA world cup was happening and some of us went to watch it. FOrtunely, the tv was able to access it.Matches are North Korea and Portugal, France and South Africa. Played board games,cards and walking around the pasir ris compound as early as 5am-6am as we pei jinxiong off. Weiying somehow joined us at 2nd day as she rushed off from her holidays from china to our chalet.As she have no clue how to get there,i have to go to downtown east to lead her there. Drinking did happen, and ppl like zixi,peggy and jenny got drunk!Peggy simply ko-ed on the bed while jenny and zixi vomitted! For the first two days, jasmine and i ended up not sleeping at all.There was one dinner we went to tampines to eat,led by junyong. This time,more ppl stayed for the whole of three days (Serena and her company,huiyi and jasmine,all the guys except junyong,jinxiong,chinping and joshua)
-While weiying and i were shopping at Cheers at downtown east to buy supplies for the class,we were spotted by shi ting and jc,but weiying and i did'nt notice them. Mrs Evelyn Lee/Lim visited us,despite her not our tutor
-I unintentally pangeh the guys to have lunch at white sands as i met jasmine to go chalet together,nearly leading to a misunderstanding upon reaching pasir ris =.=''
-The second one was organised by junyong and peggy(Held at our 2nd yr)
-Alicia wasnt interested in coming,despite many calls from jasmine telling her to come,Haiyan and Esther could'nt make it for the chalet as they were overseas at that time.
Pictures of our second chalet

The Third chalet was at Aloha changi during 3rd year. It was just the next block near where i have my ITE class chalet! While the girls were busy watching dramas, the guys, along with huiyi and jasmine decided to go for a stroll near the jetty before BBQ. Miss Carman Chan visited us this time for a period of time though. After BBQ,we went fishing,playing monopoly deal,watch dramas, gambling and some of them even drank,but no one got drunk,fortunely. Due to our hectic schedule, it was only for one night.
-All the guys,huiru,huiting,yinmun,jenny,qiaoxin,huiyi and jasmine stayed for the whole night.The rest left home at night.

Pictures of our third chalet

Pictures of our Class outings

More Pictures of my class

In overall,I've learned alot from the three years with them and i have no regrets knowing them, whether i know some of them well or otherwise.It's been great knowing these people. Whether i am able to graduate from sp anot is another thing(Due to several screw-ups in my exams and one due to my giddy spells and fatigue occuring in the middle of EST of Mrs Ser's Test and i only got better with their help,costing me this paper as i did not finish in time),but the journey with them ends as of today,just like this.(:
Hopefully so,the last farewell with them will be on Graduation Day^^, as well as to meet up with them some time soon(:

8:06 PM }


Yi Heng
Currently in SP


Get a good gpa in poly Get fit(: To look on the bright side of life


Music code here



PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THE CREDITS ! BaseCodes : %the-secrets--
Designer : the-secrets
Others :xoxo