Tuesday, June 14, 2011 Y

Went class chalet last week, although this time, it was a one night's chalet. We went to aloha changi, the place where i once went during my ITE days.Did activites like going changi jetty to fish, play poker, watch movies, bbq-ing. Anyway, ppl like huiru, huiting, yinmun who were not expected to stay, stayed with us thru the whole night, almost not sleeping at all.
Of so many of the class chalets i went from 2008 till 2011,i shall give some 'facts'
- I only missed 2007's ite 1st class chalet due to chicken pox.
-Longest BBQ hours were at 2008 Chalet, from 5pm+ until around 12.30am
-Most activities in a class chalet were during the 1st poly chalet, 2009.(Night cycling,BBQ-ing,gg wild wild wet,gg buffet,play poker, true or dare..)
-Twice i almost spend the whole night awake were during 2009 & 2011 chalets.
-I only spent the whole night not sleeping at all at 2010 class chalet
-I stayed overnight at all of the class chalets, cos my place is too far from all of the chalets that i went so far.
-I spent the most amt of money during 2009 class chalet.
-2008's chalet is the only one that i went so far that other ppl not from our class attended the class chalet,e.g, Jean and Hanizah's bf.
-2011's chalet was the one where i was more active in helping out in organising the chalet.
The day after my class chalet, It was pg's enlistment day, ryan and myself went to tekong to take a look how our BMT barracks, food was like. In the bunk, there were mosquito nets, king coli mattress. As for the food? Practically chicken everyday. Anyway, this experience is useful myself and ryan to figure out how BMT life is like since both of us will be going there next year. Well, pg won't be booking out until 2-3weeks later.
Before Pg got enlisted, he intro me to gg church. However, i went there only for the true objective for bonding with his friends down there and i dun go as frequently as pg or joshua, such as ryan,joshua,samuel,josephine,Alexandra, lu wei & peijun. The Church service was totally different from the rest that i went so far..Imagining a church service using pop songs and 'live' rock performance to do the service and to praise god..(Mind you, i will never convert to chirstian,as the idea of reading of bible was too much for me to handle and i want to remain as a free thinker.). Usually after the service, we went off to some cafes to slack and chit chat before going elsewhere for dinner..