Sunday, May 29, 2011 Y

(Note that i stole and edited one of my friend's 1st few lines.-.-'',to this friend,sorry about that.)
I really wish i have this move, called the shadow clone technique from the naruto series. It's a move that makes copies of the user and any experience the clones gain during their existence is transferred to the user once they are dispersed, meaning i will have a easier time multi-tasking in a short period of time..Since the fact that i have more work to do during the 3rd year.When the increasing amount of work was'nt enough, i have FYP to worry about.
School starts with two fewer ppl in my class. One is jinlee, who went off to Dalian, China for his OIP untill next week.He will be in the same class as the former 2B/02, where most of the ppl down there went off to Dalian(Eg, Yong Chiang,Junwen,Benjamin,Xinni,Charmine,Joel,Iqbal,Yishi,Nada,Jianhui and more).Fewer than 10 ppl like Edward, Weiguang,Janice, Jialin chose not to go and combined class with Verona,Pearlyn and Junice's class.The other, haiyan due to personal reasons, she had to return to china and only can continue her semester only this coming october.And, we are having the same lecture as DFST 3A/ 01 and 03.When my classmates were in the hall, we were surprised...that there are far more gals than guys!
As for now, i have two datasheets, one report( in progress), and a journal to go, two more datasheets to come this week.
Shortly after the celebration of joshua's birthday, ping guang somehow invited me to some church service in bukit timah, along with bryan, alex, samuel and many more. However, when i went there, this church service is got band rock. Can you imagine a church service having a band rock singing christian songs,making most ppl attending this service to dance? This service lasts for 2hours. We usually will go elsewhere to slack after this, then go bukit timah area for dinner. Yesterday, we went to a indian restaurant to have our dinner, and my gosh, they also sell western food products! And the indian curry is really nice. I heard that joshua did alot of stunts back in his camp(something that no one would even dreamt of doing that) and his time in taiwan,making him 'famous' in his camp.Ahh,did he never changed since graduating from ITE after all?
As for Apple (Shi Ting), i've heard that she's suffered from a series of medicial problems, as if her thyroid problems were'nt enough(This caused her BMR to go up to levels exceeding my own), rendering her unable to gain weight and having a miserable BMI of 15, she have clots in her brain, which make her more difficult memorising notes and a spine damaged to a point that she needs a support to keep her back upright.Scary,i better not slouch so much or risk ending up like her.Anyway, i hope her clot problems can be fixed..
Upcoming things to do this coming june holidays-Class chalet(I need to figure out how to get there and print a copy of the booking document when we checked in. It's in aloha chalet, changi, where i went two years ago. This time, it's a 2day 1 night. I probably wont sleep though.Come on, who sleeps in a chalet all day long?)
-Sending pg off to NS in tekong, at the same time, i'm taking a look how tekong camp is like, as i will be there by next year.
-Study for MST!
-FYP experiments on my sausage products using vacuum packaging and MAP.
Anyway, i've set up my private blog.If you want to read,do approach me.Thanks(: