Wednesday, December 31, 2008 Y
Hi guys again..well time remaining onli 2 hrs to 2009 liao..lemme post some memories of mine of this yr...
my pics uploaded can be if ur eyes pop out of tio sore dun blame me ar =P
Jan 2008

Mid Jan-BLs inter-sch competition

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We lost(AHS)..sian..T.T
NP Open house at the same day as above,meet up wif xiaoli,xingmei and one of xingmei's senior,who is now in SP

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Feb 2008
Early Feb,just before chinese new yr
Meet up wif ting,daniel.really fun.haha

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Mid Feb
BLs ushering,one is graduation ceremony,the other i forgot liao=.=''

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Miss thse times..haha
As for maple...Finally helmeted at 17/2/08^^

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As for March..When i got my results.i dunno whether i cn be happy or sas as i got 3.474...A mircle as the Mol Bio i can get B.I was surprised as most practicals i just tried my luck.
April 2008
Class Chalet.JP0407P-8/4 to 10/4

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Sheng Li,Farhan,Halim,me,shyukur,Kai Hsun,Hanizah

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Top-Benjamin.Btm-Kai Hsun,Aidil,Sheng li,me

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10/4..turned out to be a plot)(uncovered) to stalk mo ren wif Ting,though it was a outing..

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May 2008.
ASEAN Submit Workshop wif Selected BLs

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Me,Jedrick,Fish(Shi yun)

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Badges of BLs who attended it
Somehow at mid 08,ting broke up wif KL
June 08
1/6/08-Ting starts steading wif SGCK
27/6-Went out wif Ting,turns out tat she attempting to stalk SGCK from see same movies wif he and his frens to accarde,who went out with his frens,which is eventually uncovered.As CK intends not to return so early and ting and me eventually had to go home at 7pm+,CK told me to help him send ting home

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Aug 2008
Mid Aug,Ting somehow jio me out to study wif her as out xams are coming..But Ting soon could'nt concentrate studying and ended up chatting.-.-

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My notes...
Ended up she wanting to camwhore wif me.haha

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Acting cute..=D

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29/8/08.Celebrated 3rd yr when friendship wif ting(i onli become her kor somewhere in march 2006)

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Others like having an Poly IA interview at NYP,which in turn succeeded.I initally just tried my luck into going in when i applied and wanted to secure an place at poly,presuming tat chances are not high
Sept 2008
Took BCT exams at 2nd week of sept.It wasn't as hard as i thought
Conjunction Between sept and oct 08-At 30/9 to 12/10,i finally found a job at the hush puppies warehouse sale,by the help of xiaoli..It proved to be very xin ku,as many ppl quited after working a day or two.Why?cos u have to stand for hours attending to customers,and tidying up ur respective clothes area.But ppl like xiaoli,pei jun,bayleen,Ling yong,Shi(went class chalet halfway through and fell sick,and was out of action after tat) and me somehow went on beyond a week.
Oct 2008
6/10/08.somehow after work,xiaoli,bayleen and me went mac for dinner,den suddenly wan to take photos..

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School started at 13/10.timetable totally cramped sia.
on 30/10,Ting jio-ed me out for another movie watching-High School Musical3:Senior

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We somehow went out again at 31/10..
And,List of IA placements was out on the same day.Shocked to learn tat 10+ ppl are selected for In-hse ia(For the exception of Khai,those hu failed module,or often pon classes tio)
Nov 2008
NYP IA students like me,yx,regina and halim started the IA and studied a module-Cell Biology.Poly lectures and prac are somehow way different from ITE de.Fortunely for the poly students in the class we are attached to like Owen,winnie,Ming Jiao,Pei Shan,Rafe and others,we quickly adapted ot it le..(:
Ting somehow started work at a Popular Mega Sales in Suntec City.I visited her twice.One time is just before she left for taiwan for holiday,and hang out till 9pm plus.(Tat time was just before IA time)
And the class photos.for the memories..misss em alot..
One is during the QC NA quiz competition

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Despite having Xin mao and Aidil,who is an pro in QC NA,we failed to win..-.-.

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Haix..will really miss all those times wif JB0704P,along wif isabelle and her frens of hers...
IA soon came.The 4 of us did assisted those TSOs in NYP to set up labs for students doing experiements and learned a series of new things..And somehow at an thurs,Owen and his grp of frens cooked up a storm(food i mean)invited us to come and sample.Only yx and me went there and did tat,and soon ended up chatting wif them...
Meet up wif Isabelle at Tampines mall..

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Dec 2008
Holidays for those Poly students.We initally are oso entitled for holidays,But this goddamn mr goh did not wan to give us as he felt tat it will not be fair to those company ia ppl tat dun even have any holidays.Wat sort of sense is this?WE DUN EVEN HAVE PAY YA NOE..But too bad..sianx
12/12/08-HAppy Birthday,Ting!=)
Shortly after her birthday,Ting jio me out again to another movie,twitlight(spelling wrong,i dunno.)initally she was sick the day before and wanted to cancelled it,but on tat day,she recovered.It is a love story between a Vampire and a high school gal..I won say the plot.u wan find out more,watch it urself bahx.

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Isabelle somehow invited me to visit tp for a little chat,and tat day,my TSO was'nt around,so i hardly had things to do.So went there from 11.30am-1.45pm.Thx for telling me bout the grades thing=).Went back at 2.45pm,den aided yx and halim in doing inventory check
N lvls are out.Ting got best 3 subjects-8points,Eng B4.She initally wanted to apply for Bishan ITE de accounting,but in the end applied for Sec 5 to chiong O lvls,and went in.JY!
went out wif ting to Junction 8 to hang out,followed by Lot 1.

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